Diverticular disease is a digestive condition which affects the large part of the intestine (bowel). It is characterised by having small pouches in the wall of the large intestine (which are called diverticula) along with having gut symptoms. Symptoms can include pain in the lower part of the abdomen, bloating, a change in bowel habits, and mucus or blood present in the stool.
It is possible to have diverticula present (which is extremely common, with 2 out of 3 people over the age of 40 having them), without having any symptoms. This is known as diverticulosis.
If you have diverticular disease, it can be confusing to know what to eat. Recommendations are to eat a healthy, balanced diet including plenty of wholegrains, fruit and vegetables. However, lots of people with diverticular disease report finding these foods can trigger symptoms, and in an attempt to manage flare ups, will sometimes restrict their diets.
If you have diverticular disease, we can discuss your symptoms and diet, and provide you with tailored dietary advice for your condition, to help manage symptoms, as well as ensure you have a nutritionally complete diet.