Coeliac disease is a life-long autoimmune condition that causes damage to lining of the bowel, when people with the condition consume gluten. Currently, the only treatment for coeliac disease is a gluten-free diet.
Following a diagnosis of coeliac disease, it can often feel daunting to completely overhaul your diet to in order to make it gluten free. In our appointment we will discuss how you can adapt your current diet to make it gluten free, as well as nutritionally balanced. This is essential in order to reverse the damage that has previously occurred to your bowel, as well as support in the management of complications associated with coeliac disease, including iron deficiency anaemia, nutritional deficiencies, osteoporosis and fertility issues.
Additionally, not every person with coeliac disease will respond to the gluten free diet in the same way. Some suffer with on-going gut symptoms, despite following a strict gluten free diet, and may experience other dietary intolerances and gut conditions. In our appointment we can spend time understanding your symptoms, and discuss tailored dietary advice to help manage these symptoms.